A WOMAN has hit back at negative comments she's received after transforming a "shed" into a tiny home.
Mariah, who posts under the handle booboo0222, took to TikTok and explained how she built a shed to home conversion to "get out of debt" and travel when she wants with her family.
In one video shared online, she says the entire transformation was finished in a year, before giving a rundown of the progress she made as each month passed.
At the beginning of the year, the DIY whizz can be seen getting a helping hand as she makes a start on the stud walls needed to section off the various rooms in the tiny home.
But by October, the monochrome living room, stylish bathroom and modern kitchen, which includes all of the amenities you'd ever need, are fully complete.
She proudly explains: "We built all this ourselves, learning, and my dad helped out – he knows people who came over and gave us pointers and helped out.
Woman converts a titchy shed into a home & people are obsessed
Woman who converted a shed into a tiny home says people make same complaint
"We looked up YouTube, we did the Facebook shed to home conversion pages and looked it up."
However, in another video she shares a cruel comment she's received from trolls: "When someone thinks it's an insult when they say 'you really live in a 860sqft shed.'"
Mariah can then be seen miming to a voice-over which says: "I don't care, I really don't give a f***."
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It wasn't long before the video went viral, racking up over 155,000 views and hundreds of comments, with many praising Mariah's very impressive handiwork.
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"I never thought about putting two of those sheds together! Awesome idea," enthused one.
A second commented: "Work smarter not harder who wants a mortgage for a 300k house?
"Why is that even necessary it’s all for government gain."
A third penned: "It gets me though…I have a 12×32 cabin style and everyone calls it a shed.. p****s me off..
"I want to not give a f*** though…it's my home!"
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