Super organized woman shows how to slash the space your clothes take up by hanging EVERYTHING

LOOKING at your closet and dresser, have you ever wondered how to make clothes fit more seamlessly or asked yourself if you should hang your jeans or fold them?

Well, this super organized TikTok woman shared her hack to save up space and all you have to do is hang everything.


In a very peculiar fashion that you'll just have to watch to mimic, Natasha, who is the founder of Effective Space, shared how she hangs pants to stop them from slipping off the hangers.

She first slipped one leg of the pants through the hanger before tucking them by the crotch.

She then slipped the other leg through the hanger to create a loop that would stop the pants from falling off the hanger.


To save up space or avoid your longer dresses from dragging on the floor, Natasha folded the bottom of her dress twice through the hanger.

She then hung the straps as usual and it took the same amount of space that a t-shirt would.


All sweaters should really be folded as hanging them could create lumps on the shoulders, but she revealed how to do it without damaging them.

Natasha folded the sweater in half before slipping the arm through the bottom half of the hanger.

Tilting the hanger, she then slipped the bottom of the sweater through the hanger as well to create a small square of fabric.

This would prevent the sweater from stretching if you're hanging it as it is typical.


Though usually jeans are folded and placed inside dressers, those who want to hang them up can do so easily.

First, all you need to do is slip the legs through the hanger before using one of the belt loops to hang it on the metal.

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