REPLICAS have gotten so good, it's almost impossible to tell a fake bag from a real one these days.
If you're able to tell a real one from a replica, chances are you were meant to be born rich.
A TikToker (@realfake) purchased a fake Chanel bag to showcase next to their real one out of curiosity.
"I so wanted one of these comparisons of a real and fake…" they said.
"I couldn't find any so I did it, welcome."
They put the two wallets side by side, bringing the camera in closer to inspect the stitching details.
The inspection included opening up the bag for a look at the logo on the inside, as well as a closer look at the sides and cardholder compartments.
"Can you spot the fake?" they challenged.
People took to the comments to share their guesses.
While the replica was nearly identical, a few commenters with sharp eyes were able to pinpoint the fake.
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"Bottom one is real," said one commenter.
"I see a slight difference when turned to the side and when the wallet opened."
"The bottom 1 is definitely the real one," agreed another.
"The caviar is more smooth, the puffing in the Channels stitch is fuller and the CC is off on the top one."
"The zipper gave it away for me. I’ve compared a few reals/fakes and the fakes have metal zipper pulls for some reason," said a third.
Others simply weren't able to tell: "Looks identical to me," said one viewer.
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