Does Prince William Have A Good Relationship With Kate Middleton’s Mother?

Prince William may have suffered the loss of his own mother, Princess Diana, but he does have his mother-in-law to lean on. Kate Middleton’s mother, Carole, is said to be a driving force in the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s family, and it’s a role she takes seriously. While speaking to Good Housekeeping in March, Carole opened up about her role as a parent, grandmother, and mother-in-law.

“I feel it is my children’s role to pass on what they think is important to their children. That will happen; I suspect it will include a work ethic, because I know I have passed it on to my children. I have tried hard to be a listening grandmother and mother-in-law,” Carole told the magazine, per Express. “That is why we are all still close, because our relationship has evolved as my children have had children. I’ve learned to be a wise grandmother, I hope,” Carole added. “I know how hard it was for me bringing up my own children, that you invest a lot in them, and don’t really want a know-it-all granny out there.”

In addition to keeping the lines of communication open, Carole says that she also loves to have physical playtime with her grandchildren. “I’m very hands-on. I want to run down the hills, climb trees and go through the tunnel at the playground.” Meanwhile, Carole is also said to be a very important person in William’s life.

Prince William looks at Carole Middleton like a second mother

According to The Sun, Prince William has cherished the fact that Kate Middleton’s mother, Carole, has been such an active part of their lives. Carole has reportedly been like a “second mum” to William and has helped to give his life a “real sense of normality amid any chaos.” In addition, royal expert Angela Levin says that William had “barely a clue of what a normal family life was like” due to his own “dysfunctional family background.” However, when he entered the Middleton family, William began to get a sense of what a loving family dynamic looked like.

“William adored Diana and was drawn to her magnetic charm, but she was relentlessly demanding on him as a young child, describing him as her ‘closest confidant’ and talking about her lovers, when it’s a mother’s duty to care for her son, not the other way round,” Levin explained (via The Sun). “Carole relieved William of such burdens by accepting him for who he was rather than what he was. She made him feel secure, comfortable and protected and he didn’t have to worry about what he said or be responsible for her emotions,” Levin continued. 

The royal biographer added that it’s common for people who come from “broken homes” to have trouble understanding “how a good relationship works.”

Prince William has learned a lot from the Middleton family

Angela Levin went on to reveal just how much of an impact Kate Middleton’s family has had on Prince William over the years, per The Sun. “William learnt through the Middletons how a loving and supportive family works. It has been the bedrock of making Kate loving, calm and confident. Harry hasn’t had that parental opportunity,” she noted. “His background has just been of bitter fighting and incompatibility. Both he and Meghan come from very damaged backgrounds and must carry with them some of the negativity,” Levin added. “It must be hard for them to help each other and lack experience in how stable, strong, understanding relationships work.”

Royal author Phil Dampier went on to add that “Carole is a very strong woman who comes from quite a humble background, and the fact that she has worked herself up with a successful business has given her a backbone of steel. Kate turns to her for advice and comfort all the time and she spends a lot of time with William and Kate’s three children,” Dampier says. “Carole will be a stabilizing and supportive force in the background, looking after the kids when need be but also just being there,” the author declared, going so far as to add that “Carole is very much a power behind the throne and her influence is immense.” 

Meanwhile, William is set to honor his own mother, Princess Diana, on July 1 when he and Prince Harry reunite to unveil a statue in her honor, per Fox News.

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