Hilarious times people were very wrong online and were put right

What a blunder! Hilarious times people were very wrong online…then put right in VERY cutting fashion

  • Internet users shared examples of times posters were proved wrong
  • The hilarious and cringy online posts were collated in a gallery by Daily Bee
  • Among the posts is one proclaiming that people born in 2003 are 23 
  • Another suggested the world is 4,000 years old – and was roundly debunked 

We all make mistakes. It’s simply part of being human and it happens to the best of people sometimes.

But luckily, many of our worst errors are not captured on the internet forever, unlike these hilarious slip-ups made by people from around the world, which were collated in a gallery by Daily Bee.

And more than that, hopefully most people don’t continue to double-down when it has been pointed out that they are wrong.

Among the blunders in this gallery are people with some unproven beliefs – including that the world is only 4,000 years old, and that we should ‘trust our cells, and not science’.

Here, FEMAIL presents some of the funniest bloopers ever shared online.

Injecting broccoli? This North American poster had their criticism about vaccines contested by a poster who made the point that just because you can inject something, doesn’t mean you can eat it – and that works both ways round

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This customer was quick thinking, and when asked a stupid question, they provided an equally silly response

This US-based poster was roundly trounced after not realising that as driving licences have photos on them, the images are already accessible to authorities

This US-based social media user seems to struggle with numbers. After being corrected on their arithmetic, they then revealed their issues with geography

This US poster provided solid evidence of why it’s always a good idea to make sure you understand the point you’re making before you double down on it

It just took one simple question – do you wear shoes? – to point out that human bodies don’t necessary evolve to physically encompass items that have their uses, despite the claim made by this UK-based Twitter user

Good point: This quick-witted science fan was quick to point out that when someone suggested it’s better to trust cells than science, we only know about cells because of science

Using the lengthy half-life of uranium was a smart comeback to this American anti-science Christian who believes the world is just 4,000 years old

Erm…it seems like this Facebook user should probably find out what ancestors actually means, before going on a mission to find out more about theirs 

Erotic almonds or media control? This US-based poster was schooled in how meaningless random anagrams can be

Despite many decades of education around the cancer risk posed by the sun, this poster decided that sunscreen is the bigger carcinogen 

Flat Earth Society members were too busy mocking this poster’s grammar to consider that they may actually have a point 

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