Model proudly bares ‘tiger stripes’ to show women stretch marks can be beautiful

An Instagram model has been praised for sharing a picture of her “tiger stripes” on Instagram.

Mandy Milano posted the un-retouched photo on her sassy.mandy page to show other women that stretch marks can be beautiful.

She looked absolutely stunning in the image, which shows her posing on the bed in a leopard print bodysuit.

The 26-year-old, from Ontario, Canada, captioned the image: “The bodysuit is cheetah but my stripes are tiger.”

Mandy’s post has garnered more than 27,800 likes – and her 1.2 million followers think the un-airbrushed snap is very refreshing.

One commenter said: “Love it and the body positivity! Looking good.”

Another responder commented: “I love your beauty marks. So sexy and yummy.”

A third said: ”Those stretch marks are sexy – real talk!”

And a fourth added: “What a woman.”

It’s not the only candid snap Mandy has posted of her “tiger stripes”.

Previously, she flaunted her natural skin in a black bodysuit.

The post garnered more than 20,500 likes as fans gushed: “Love the tiger stripes”.

Mandy also snapped a picture of her stretch marks when playing PlayStation

While holding onto a gaming controller, she pulled up a baggy hoodie to show more skin.

The post garnered more than 35,000 likes and fans branded the influencer “beautiful”.

And one commenter said: “Love your stretch marks. Beautiful, like lightning. Electric.”

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Mandy isn’t the only influencer who is embracing body positivity.

Previously, Georgie Clarke took snaps seconds apart to show reality behind 'perfect' Instagram posts.

Meanwhile, a woman embraced her unibrow and learned to love herself after vile bullies called her a 'gorilla'.

And in other news, a lass defied trolls who mocked her vitiligo by covering herself in tattoos.

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