Mrs Hinch fans’ 27p salt hack removes stubborn tea and coffee stains from mugs

Houseproud Brits love to copy influencer Mrs Hinch and make sure their home is totally spotless as a matter of pride.

But, when you’ve mopped the floor, scrubbed the sink and even added fragrance to your home there are some things which continue to frustrate us.

Namely, tea and coffee stains on china.

After all, you don’t want to invite someone round to your sparklingly clean home only to serve them in a stained mug that makes the cup look unwashed.

But, what can you do about it if a good scrub doesn’t bleach out the stains?

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Well, fans of Sophie Hinchliffe, who has over 4m followers on Instagram, got together to share their clever tips and tricks.

One woman asked: “Anything to remove tea stains from mugs please?”

And, the post quickly went viral with over 1,250 people offering their suggestions.

And, the most recommended trick for removing tea stains was salt.

You can buy a bottle of table salt from Aldi for just 27p – meaning it’s cheap as chips to solve.

“Salt and give them a rub,” wrote one person.

Another agreed, and said: “Salt and a bit of water.”

While a third noted: “Hot water and scrub with salt and rinse well.”

Another cleaning fan said: “Rub salt mixed with a dot of washing up liquid around the stains and then wash with a scrub pad after 10 minutes.”

Sound pretty easy, we’d recommend getting the cup a little wet and then putting a patch of salt on a Minky sponge before scrubbing in small circles until the stain lifts.

Make sure you wash the cup properly after with soap and water because you don’t want your tea to taste salty.

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“Yes, salt, it works every time,” confirmed a fan.

Other cleaning fanatics suggested cleaning the stains with denture tablets, bleach and a Magic Eraser.

While a natural cleaning lover said: “Bicarbonate of soda and water or white vinegar into a paste.

“If it doesn’t come off straight away, let it sit for five or 10 minutes.

“I’m an absolute tea Jenny and I drink black tea on the daily, and this never fails me.

“It will remove stains from the kettle as well.”

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