PLATELL'S PEOPLE: Defend your family from Netflix lies, Prince Harry

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: Perhaps there is one person who could stop these hurtful falsehoods… now man up Prince Harry and defend your family from Netflix lies

Buckingham Palace remains silent as the row rages over whether the latest series of The Crown should carry a disclaimer before each episode.

Even though the series depicts the break-up of his marriage to Diana, King Charles is sensibly following in his mother’s footsteps: ‘Never complain, never explain.’

Judi Dench — who labelled the series cruelly unjust — has called on Netflix to carry a note before each episode saying it is ‘fictionalised drama’. But her protest has fallen on deaf ears.

True, there is a tiny disclaimer in small print underneath the trailer for the new series, saying ‘inspired by real events, a fictional dramatisation’. But no one reads that. The fact is viewers are being hoodwinked into thinking this stuff is real.

Buckingham Palace remains silent as the row rages over whether the latest series of The Crown should carry a disclaimer before each episode

If Hollywood royalty like Judi as well as an ex-PM can’t stop these hurtful falsehoods, perhaps there is one person who could — Prince Harry

It’s a series which portrays the Windsors as wholly dysfunctional and a monarchy on the brink of collapse. It is a disgracefully warped version of what happened to real people, many of whom are still alive.

In one scene Charles tells his mother: ‘If we were an ordinary family and social services came to visit they would have thrown us into care and you into jail.’

Scenes of Charles colluding with former Prime Minister John Major to force the Queen to abdicate have been slammed by Major as ‘a barrel load of malicious nonsense’. The trailer has pictures of Diana floating apparently lifeless in a pool with a voiceover . . . ‘I never stood a chance.’

Elsewhere it states: ‘The Royal Family is in genuine crisis! Have royal scandals destroyed the country’s reputation?’ Judging by the four billion people who watched the Queen’s funeral worldwide, and the 37 million in the UK alone, the answer’s a firm no. Not that Netflix will tell you.

It’s a series which portrays the Windsors as wholly dysfunctional and a monarchy on the brink of collapse

If Hollywood royalty like Judi as well as an ex-PM can’t stop these hurtful falsehoods, perhaps there is one person who could — Prince Harry.

It is his family, his father and mother, his beloved grandmother, who are being so cruelly portrayed. If he had an ounce of the compassion he’s endlessly telling us is so important, he would step in to demand that Netflix — which is paying him and Megs millions — set the record straight and show a disclaimer.

For once Harry would be doing the decent thing by his family — although I’m not holding my breath.

For once Harry would be doing the decent thing by his family — although I’m not holding my breath

 The Cold Hard Truth

 If there is one good thing to come from our heating crisis it is that we can no longer assume it’s our inalienable right to warm our homes to 20-plus degrees and walk around in a T-shirt and jeans in mid-winter. A survey reveals we are eating out less, buying fewer clothes, wearing more jumpers and turning off the lights when leaving a room. Horrid though the prospect of a cash-strapped winter is, shouldn’t we have been doing this all along? Our parents certainly did.

With Friends like this who needs doctors? 

In his new memoir, Friends star Matthew Perry, who played Chandler in the show, said his co-stars, including Jennifer Aniston, got him through when he nearly died from drug and substance abuse. ‘It’s like penguins… in nature, when one is sick or injured, the other penguins surround it and prop it up, walk around it until that penguin can walk on its own. That’s what the cast did for me.’ They really did P-P-P-Pick Up A Penguin!

In his new memoir, Friends star Matthew Perry, who played Chandler in the show, said his co-stars, including Jennifer Aniston, got him through when he nearly died from drug and substance abuse

Kate gets it from Carole — yes, it’s in the jeans 

What is not to admire about the Princess of Wales’s mum Carole Middleton, 67, quietly launching her Party Pieces company in the U.S. with pictures of her in a denim shirt, jeans and trainers?

She started the family business in 1987 in a spare room, made millions from it and taught her kids the importance of hard graft. And hasn’t put a foot wrong since her daughter met her Prince two decades ago. Job well done, mum!

What is not to admire about the Princess of Wales’s mum Carole Middleton, 67, quietly launching her Party Pieces company in the U.S. with pictures of her in a denim shirt, jeans and trainers?

  •  Met Police boss Mark Rowley cried on learning that hundreds of cops accused of sexual assault, domestic abuse and corruption are still working in his force. Let’s hope they were tears of rage. We don’t employ the country’s highest law enforcer to weep, but to act mercilessly in ridding the Met of woman-abusers.
  •  Three years after Harry Dunn, 19, was knocked off his motorcycle and killed, U.S. spy Anne Sacoolas has finally admitted causing his death by careless driving. She will not serve a day in prison, which would enrage most mothers, but not Harry’s mum Charlotte who said she didn’t want Sacoolas to be imprisoned as ‘we didn’t wish to separate her from her [three] children, it’s not their fault’. Only someone who knows the terrible anguish of losing a child could show such compassion.

A devastating setback for the Duchess of Sussex after Oscar-winner Whoopi Goldberg took her to task for describing women who appeared on Deal Or No Deal (as Meghan did) as bimbos. ‘If that’s how you feel,’ says Whoopi, ‘just maybe you don’t want to make the other women feel bad because maybe they’re not, maybe they’re trying to make a living, too.’

‘If that’s how you feel,’ says Whoopi, ‘just maybe you don’t want to make the other women feel bad because maybe they’re not, maybe they’re trying to make a living, too.’

And if Meghan was so horrified at being seen in this way, why did she then take a role in TV series 90210, in which she simulates oral sex in a car on actor Dustin Milligan?

  •  Rod Stewart has rented a house for a Ukrainian family — a husband, wife and their five children. How is it that dad Rostyslav, 49, is here when all men under the age of 60 are required by law to stay in Ukraine and support the war effort? Just asking.
  •  Kate Moss says she’s ‘the happiest I’ve ever been’ having quit booze and drugs, focusing on ‘self-love’ through her new wellness company Cosmoss. With a little help no doubt from her £120-a-bottle Sacred Mist Eau De Parfum, a balance of oak, moss (geddit) and cedarwood to bring inner peace. I’m loving the sound of that; all that’s missing from my life is her £62 million fortune!
  •  A lesson, perhaps, for our hapless cops from Germany, where protesters glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagen factory. Despite pleas for refreshments and access to lavatories, plant workers simply turned the lights and heating off and left them there all night, stuck to their principles until police came to arrest them the next day.

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