RICHARD KAY: Prince William has given us a glimpse of how he'll rule

Prince William has just given us the first glimpse of how he’ll rule when he becomes King, writes RICHARD KAY

Prince William is one of the most popular and personable figures the Royal Family has had in years. 

The public can see that he has his mother’s touch and that his heart is in the right place. 

With the always elegant Duchess of Cambridge at his side, approval ratings have soared. 

And in the aftermath of the Harry and Meghan fiasco, and the Prince Andrew saga, he has steadied the Royal ship.

So what are we to make of last night’s hastily drafted statement in which you could almost hear his angry voice dictating the words?

Prince William is one of the most popular and personable figures the Royal Family has had in years. The public can see that he has his mother’s touch and that his heart is in the right place.(Above, he meets members of the public during a visit to Fish Fry – a culinary gathering place found on every island in the Bahamas)

He has given us a glimpse of the kind of thoughtful man William, at 39, is turning into and, crucially, what sort of King he will be. (Above, in the Bahamas this week)

Unhappiness certainly at the criticism that has been levelled at him and Kate for the public relations missteps that marred their Caribbean tour.

But at the same time he has given us a glimpse of the kind of thoughtful man William, at 39, is turning into and, crucially, what sort of King he will be.

When was the last time – if ever – a senior member of the Royal Family went on record to acknowledge mistakes?

And in his statement William did just that. He wants us to see that he and Kate will not turn away from censure but rather learn from it.

One particular picture of the couple joyfully making fleeting contact with the outstretched fingers of Jamaican children pushing through a wire fence will haunt Royal planners, who should have realised what a damaging image it might convey

The same might be said of the Land Rover salute that was meant as a homage to the Queen and Prince Philip’s visit seven decades earlier but which some said presented an out-of-touch reminder of a more deferential age

His tone of mildly injured hurt is probably justifiable, especially in the light of those commentators such as the BBC’s Royal Correspondent who appeared to blame the couple themselves for being responsible for cack-handed photo-opportunities and misreading of post-colonial sensitivities in the era of Black Lives Matter.

One particular picture of the couple joyfully making fleeting contact with the outstretched fingers of Jamaican children pushing through a wire fence will haunt Royal planners, who should have realised what a damaging image it might convey.

The same might be said of the Land Rover salute that was meant as a homage to the Queen and Prince Philip’s visit seven decades earlier but which some said presented an out-of-touch reminder of a more deferential age.

It is highly unusual for a statement to be issued at the conclusion of a tour and when the cheers of the crowds in the Bahamas were almost still audible.

Perhaps William wanted the world to know how he – and Kate – feel, that they are bruised at being blamed for things they do not think they are responsible for.

Certainly, it shows a refreshing willingness to engage with criticism, something that rarely if ever happens in Royal circles, where the stoic mantra has always been, ‘Never complain, never explain’.

Even as second in line to the throne you need government approval for speeches such as this. 

And the Foreign Office, which will face some searching questions over its bungling of the Cambridges’ three-nation tour, were only too happy to give him the go-ahead.

But was the statement the right thing to do?

Particularly since there was a key passage that has left critics and Royal supporters alike wondering why an issue was raised that never got discussed on the couple’s eight-day visit – the future of the Commonwealth.

It is 25 years since a Royal tour was last hit by the kind of setbacks the Cambridges have had to endure. That was the Queen’s 1997 tour to India (above), which was a diplomatic disaster as a result largely of then Labour Foreign Secretary Robin Cook’s comments that suggested he backed an independent Kashmir, and another own goal over the colonial legacy when the Blair government insisted on a visit to Amritsar, the site of a massacre in 1919

Suddenly, William has opened up a tricky issue. Was he casting doubts on the role of Prince Charles, whom the Queen asked Commonwealth leaders to endorse as its next head?

Palace officials have assured that this was not the case and that William was referring to his own future prospects and wanted to emphasise that he was not taking anything for granted.

However, although it was a surprisingly clumsy intervention because his father’s reign was not mentioned, it does reveal a maturity to William that we rarely see in public.

It is 25 years since a Royal tour was last hit by the kind of setbacks the Cambridges have had to endure. 

That was the Queen’s 1997 tour to India, which was a diplomatic disaster as a result largely of then Labour Foreign Secretary Robin Cook’s comments that suggested he backed an independent Kashmir, and another own goal over the colonial legacy when the Blair government insisted on a visit to Amritsar, the site of a massacre in 1919.

On that occasion, the Queen came under fierce criticism for not issuing an adequate apology.

No such dramas afflicted William in the Caribbean, but he did discover, for the first time, that navigating the distant reaches of his grandmother’s realms is not always going to be plain sailing.

And he showed that, when trouble does come along, he is prepared to take the initiative and that he is listening.

While not obsessing about the media coverage he receives – in the way his brother Harry does – William also demonstrates that he is not prepared to simply stay silent.

Just as he did in the wake of the BBC inquiry into how Martin Bashir obtained his interview with Princess Diana, William showed fighting spirit. He barely controlled the passion he felt about how his mother had been tricked.

This time he was measured, but at the same time he has shown once again that he will not be pushed around.

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