These Photos And Videos Perfectly Explain White Privilege And Its Impact

Privilege—particularly white privilege—can be a hard concept to wrap your head around, especially if you’ve benefited from it for years. But on Jan. 6, you didn’t have to look far. White privilege was on display as the mob of pro-Trump extremists attacked the U.S. Capitol in an attempted coup to stop certification of the 2020 presidential election by Congress. The domestic terrorists barreled past barricades and police with minimal resistance. It’s a stark contrast to the response from law enforcement during the protests for racial justice last summer, and many observers are noting how white privilege played a major role.

Dana R. Fisher, PhD, a professor of sociology and director of the Program for Society and the Environment at the University of Maryland shared multiple examples on Twitter: “Short thread of Capitol police ‘response’ to the violence outside the #USCapitol yesterday.I’ve studied #protest for over 20 years and have NEVER seen such a bland and accommodating police response inside or outside the US.”

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