Women share scathing letters to their exes about why it went wrong

No love lost here! Women share VERY scathing letters to their exes about why it went wrong – including one who cauught him sending nude photos to her two best friends

  • Women from around the world have shared letters with To The Guys I’ve Dated 
  • Instagram account posts hilarious accounts explaining why couples separated 
  • One woman told how an ex was caught sending nude photos to her two friends

While some of us are fortunate enough to have only happy memories of an old relationship, these candid letters show not everyone’s as lucky.

Revealing why some exes are better left in the past, the Instagram account To The Guys I’ve Dated publishes anonymous messages from women wanting to explain what went wrong to result in a break-up.

The cutting missives are more full of rage than regret, as people from around the world reveal exactly why they won’t be getting back together with their former flames anytime soon. 

One woman told how an ex was caught sending nude photos to her two best friends, while another recalled a potential love interest bringing his mother on their first date.

Here, Femail share some of the best examples… 

Revealing why some exes are better left in the past, the Instagram account To The Guys I’ve Dated publishes anonymous messages from women wanting to explain what went wrong to result in a break-up. One person, above, told how an ex was caught sending nude photos to her two best friends

Another woman recalled how a potential love interest brought his mother on their first date and insisted other dates ‘didn’t mind it’

Three is definitely a crowd! One frustrated person shared a message with ‘Steve’, revealing she had seen the note that a woman left on his nightstand, suggesting the two ‘had a blast’ the night before

Talk about tacky! One American, named Greg, dumped his girlfriend Liz while the pair were enjoying a vacation to New York

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Jennie revealed how two of her former flames are now in love and getting married to each other, and she insists she ‘really loves that it isn’t weird between us’

Sweet revenge! Nina had no problems moving on from Dan after discovering that his new girlfriend looked ‘like a potato’

One American woman revealed that she realised the relationship should’ve ended after he refused to buy her flowers and instead bought $70 worth of socks

Allie was left disgusted after her date fed his mouse at the table while out for dinner – and to make matters worse he had already arrived an hour late to the meal

Maze told a former friends-with-benefits how awful it was to block her after discovering she was on her period, only to check back in a couple of weeks later

One woman was frustrated to find their ex partner had plenty of time to fill his week with sports, while leaving no time to see or call her

Gabby wrote a letter to all men using dating apps who tried to invite themselves over to her place before they’d even met, describing it as ‘creepy and rude’

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