Corrie fans distracted from Emma’s heartbreak as they notice major flat revamp

Coronation Street fans were left rather distracted during the latest episode, as they couldn't help but notice that Emma Brooker's flat had undergone a complete transformation.

Emma was certainly in turmoil on Friday night as she came to the realisation that her partner Curtis Delamere had been lying to her about his health condition.

But although Emma, Curtis and Amy Barlow shared some emotional scenes in Emma's flat, fans immediately spotted that the apartment had changed and the walls which were tarnished by a previous fire looked brand new.

To make matters more confusing, fans were astonished that the flat had changed from the day before.

Taking to Twitter baffled Corrie fans shared their opinions.

One fan wrote: "Hang on… when did the flat get redecorated? It was still smoke damaged in last night's episode.

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