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Good Morning Britain's Susanna Reid was left aghast as she realised they had cut off Andi Peters before he was finished.
She was joined on Wednesday morning by her co-host Ed Balls as they revealed that Richard Arnold would be coming back with some news about I'm A Celebrity All Stars.
Ed reminded Susanna that they needed to go to Andi first to hear the competition update and as they moved over to him the host got on with his usual segment.
However as it came to a close it seems he wasn't quite done before he was cut from the show in a brutal move.
After Andi had said "good luck" he went on to say "remember-", but Ed had already started talking and the cameras were back in the studio.
Susanna realised they had forgotten Andi and said: "I think we missed a bit of Andi there!"
She double checked with the producers as she asked: "Did we? Oh we'll find out later."
The cameras then moved over to Richard who was spilling all the showbiz goss as he had an update on the rumoured contestants entering I'm A Celeb All Stars.
Susanna and Ed then turned their full focus onto Richard – but they were feeling a little less exasperated when they found out the All Stars cast is yet to be confirmed by ITV.
However, Richard shared updates from The Sun as they shared the rumoured line-up of the all star series.
The likes of Helen Flanagan, Gillian McKeith, Myleene Klass, Amir Khan and Dean Gaffney all have a place on the rumoured line-up.
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- Good Morning Britain
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