Michelle Keegan addresses Masked Singer theories as mum quizzes her on stint

Fans of The Masked Singer UK have been left completely convinced that Michelle Keegan is Firework on the popular ITV show.

However, the Brassic actress appeared on The John Bishop Show and was immediately quizzed on whether she was taking part in the singing contest.

Of course, Michelle wouldn't be allowed to say whether she was in it if she was truly the person behind the mask, but she did drop a hint that she wouldn't be appearing on the stage.

She confessed that her mum had sent her a text on the sly to ask if Michelle was actually taking part on the show, leaving the actress utterly bewildered.

Michelle told the host: "I could be bluffing you all here, I don't want to ruin it, but I cannot sing.

She added: "For me, it's my worst nightmare."

However, it's unlikely fans will be convinced, with in-depth theories popping up online looking into Michelle's career and the likelihood that she is secretly on the show.

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