This Morning’s Dr Zoe Williams breaks silence over Eamonn Holmes’ ‘alpaca hair’ comments

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Dr Zoe Williams has broken her silence over Thursday 12 August’s controversial moment where This Morning host Eamonn Holmes compared her hair to an alpaca.

Fans of the show were upset with the comparison, with 61 year old Eamonn himself having to issue an apology via Twitter after facing backlash.

Zoe, 41, took to Instagram today to speak about the incident in a lengthy post where she forgave him for the remarks.

She wrote: “I know that many people may have been upset by Eamonn’s remark on air yesterday, and Eamonn has himself acknowledged that his comments made to me on This Morning were misjudged,

“He has done the right thing by apologising to me directly; and I have accepted his apology.

“What I want to say is that I’m aware that his remarks, though meant without malice, have offended people. And if that comment had been made to me by a stranger, then I too would likely be offended.

“It was mis-judged and I think it’s fair to say that both Eamonn and I wish it hadn’t been said.

Zoe then took the opportunity to bring more attention to the issue of Afro hair discrimination.

She continued: “I feel torn as on the one hand it pains me to see the abuse that Eamonn has been receiving because of this (that’s not ok either). Eamonn is a friend of mine, he’s one of the most warm hearted people in television and has always been supportive of me and my career.

“But on the other hand it has opened the door to a conversation that I feel needs to be had. I’ve spent most of my life hearing comments about my hair from people who aren’t my friend, often combined with an attempt to touch my hair and it has a very different impact.

“Microgressions are normally subtle comments made towards minority ethnic or culturally marginalised groups that communicate derogatory, hostile or condescending options.

“The comments can be made with or without malicious intent but nevertheless are offensive to the person they’re directed at.

“Many people with afro/textured hair go to great lengths whether consciously or unconsciously to feel more accepted and/or avoid comments, judging and touching.”

Zoe then delved into her own past with her hair and confessing that she used to straighten it to try and “fit in”.

She said: “I straightened my hair for years trying to fit in before deciding to wear my hair naturally, but now my afro is a part of my identity and I’m proud to show it off.’

“You may be reading this and worrying that you have made inappropriate or hurtful comments. Perhaps you just didn’t know? It’s ok to get it wrong, we all do. What comes after the mistake is what matters most," she penned.

“If we care enough and are brave enough to do some deep, sometimes painful reflection and vow to make the necessary changes moving forwards then that is enough.”

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