Alok Sharma: 'Ditch coal to save the planet'

‘Ditch coal to save the planet’: Alok Sharma will urge countries around the world to stop financing new power stations that emit greenhouse gases in desperate bid to combat global warming

  • Alok Sharma urges world nations to stop financing new coal-fired power stations
  • Greenpeace and Oxfam called the comments hypocritical amid Cumbria mine 
  • The UK will this year host the United Nations climate summit COP26 in Glasgow

Coal power must be scrapped worldwide to save the planet, government minister Alok Sharma will say in a speech today.

He will say the nations of the world must stop financing new coal-fired power stations – which emit greenhouse gases – to fight global warming. 

But Greenpeace and Oxfam have called the comments hypocritical in light of plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria, and the UK continuing to develop North Sea oil and gas while blocking onshore wind power.

Alok Sharma will say the nations of the world must stop financing new coal-fired power stations – which emit greenhouse gases – to fight global warming

The mine will be the subject of a public inquiry, with the Government responsible for the final decision. 

The UK has previously committed to scrapping all coal power by 2025. In November, it will host the United Nations climate summit COP26 in Glasgow with Mr Sharma as president, five years after 196 nations signed the Paris Agreement committing to limit global warming to 1.5C.

Greenpeace and Oxfam have called the comments hypocritical in light of plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria

Mr Sharma is expected to say: ‘If we are serious about 1.5C, Glasgow must be the COP that consigns coal to history.

‘We are working directly with governments and through international organisations to end international coal financing. This is a personal priority.’ 

He will add: ‘[This is] our best chance of building a brighter future. A future of green jobs and cleaner air. I have faith that world leaders will rise to the occasion.’

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