Spears says father is 'bullying' her after asking for PI records

Britney Spears claims her father has continued to ‘bully and harass’ her since he was removed as conservator: Her lawyer asks judge to block dad Jamie from accessing files from a PI her legal team hired

  • On Monday, Britney Spears, 40, filed a motion to dismiss her father’s subpoena for ‘business records’ 
  • Jamie, 69, requested to view files from Spears’ private investigator that she hired to look into her father’s management of her estate 
  • Her legal team said he should be the ‘most knowledgeable’ person on her estate as he managed the majority of it 
  • She also claimed he was continuing to ‘bully and harass’ her, despite the conservatorship ending in November 
  • Her lawyer also claimed a ‘decent father’ would put his daughter’s interest above his own even if he disagreed with ‘civil and criminal  allegations’ against him
  • Spears alleged her father made $6.3million off her and spent $500,000 on a ‘media tour’ to clear his image and that her parents ‘thrive on drama’

Britney Spears slammed her father for continuing to ‘bully and harass’ her after the conservatorship ended, while her lawyer asked the judge to block Jamie from getting access to files from her private investigator. 

The singer’s 13-year conservatorship ended in November, but she continues to battle her father Jamie, 69, in court, after he requested to view the files from the private investigator Spear’s team hired to look into Jamie’s management over his daughter and her estate. 

After the conservatorship ended, Britney sued her father for abuse. He then filed a petition, requesting her estate pay his legal fees and later requested the documents from the investigator.  

On Monday, Spears, 40, filed a motion to dismiss her father’s subpoena for the ‘business records,’ calling it ‘extremely overbroad, unduly burdensome, and oppressive.’ She also claimed her father, who managed most of her estate, should be the ‘most knowledgeable’ person on the subject anyways. 

The motion, obtained by DailyMail.com, went on to called out Jamie for continuing to ‘harass, intimidate, and bully his daughter.’ 

‘Mr. Spears’s reign as conservator and efforts to invade his daughter’s privacy, through illicit electronic means or otherwise, ended on November 12, 2021. His tactics of trying to intimidate, harass, and bully his daughter should cease,’ the motion read. 

In addition, her lawyer claimed a ‘decent father’ would do what is best for his daughter, rather than himself.  

‘We respectfully submit that a decent father, a father who truly loved his daughter and wished to “protect” her (as he claims), would place his daughter’s interests above his own – as a fiduciary is also required to do,’ her lawyer Mathew Rosengart wrote in the court documents. 

‘Such a father would show grace and decency and cease and desist from bullying and harassing his daughter. Even if he disagreed with the evidence concerning the trauma and abuse she endured, and even if he disagreed with the specific and credible allegations against him that implicate both civil and criminal statutes, this is what a “loving,” “protective” father would do.’ 

On Monday, Britney Spears, 40, (pictured with her fiancé Sam Asghari) filed a motion to dismiss her father’s subpoena for the ‘business records. The motion claimed her father Jamie, 69, is continuing to ‘bully and harass’ her, despite the conservatorship ending in November

Jamie (pictured in 2008) controlled Spears and her estate for 13 years and is now requesting to review files from his daughter’s private investigator, which she hired to looking into his management of her estate 

The pregnant star, who is preparing to have her third child and is engaged to Sam Asghari, is looking to ‘quash’ the subpoena, as well as obtain a ‘protective order’ against her father to ‘narrow the scope’ of information he can request from her legal team’s discovery. 

‘Although the subpoena should be quashed as a matter of law, we alternatively request that a protective order be entered to narrow the scope of the subpoena and preclude discovery of privileged and protected work-product materials,’ the court document said. Rosengart also claimed Jamie’s request violated the attorney-client privilege. 

Her team also said the court has the ‘authority to quash a deposition subpoena entirely or to modify it’ to protect her from ‘unreasonable or oppressive demands,’ as well as from ‘unwarranted annoyance, embarrassment, or oppression, or undue burden and expense.’ 

She also alleged that her father hasn’t given a real reason as to why he needs the information and that he only wants to ‘piggyback’ off her discovery. 

The singer also claimed that Knoll – the PI firm she hired – is just a ‘consultant’ and ‘not an expert designated to testify at trial.’ Under California law, where the lawsuit is currently based, a consultant does not have to appear in court. In addition, the firm ‘has not prepared an expert witness report that is subject to discovery.’ 

Her legal team slammed Jamie by claiming a ‘decent father’ would would do what is best for his daughter, rather than himself. She also claimed he made at least $6.3million off her and has ‘profited’ off her enough 

Spears’ team also slammed the father, telling him he should ‘simply move on’ and ‘leave his daughter alone,’ rather than trying to ‘stonewall’ her by not ‘finishing his final ministerial duties’ or ‘submitting the final accounting.’ 

Jamie failed to appear at three schedule depositions and ‘now insists that his deposition occur in Kentwood, Louisiana, where he reside.’ Spears has agreed to move the disposition to Louisiana if need be, despite the ‘logical location for his deposition’ being in Los Angeles. 

‘Mr. Spears can run, but he cannot hide from his deposition forever,’ it read.  

The motion also highlighted that Jamie has ‘failed for numerous months’ to transfer all his own files and has neglected to answers ‘all’ the questions regarding his time as her conservator.  

‘He should properly and professionally transfer all files (including all communications with his counsel during the conservatorship); he should answer all questions regarding his administration of the conservatorship, including regarding his activities in concert with Tri Star Sports & Entertainment and Black Box Security, Inc.; and he should appear promptly for his deposition rather than hiding,’ the motion requested. 

Lastly, the motion argued that Jamie has ‘profited off his daughter’s industry and efforts for long enough.’ 

The document claimed he made ‘at least $6.3million from his daughter’s estate while paying others close to him tens of millions more’ and that he spent $500,000 on a ‘media tour’ to influence the image of him using her money. 

Earlier this month, Spears posted and then deleted an Instagram rant denouncing her parents, saying they ‘thrived and lived with drama’ and declared her family ‘broken.’ 

In a recent Instagram post, the pop star slammed her parents for ‘thriving on drama’ 

Oh baby! Britney Spears showed off her ‘small belly’ after announcing her pregnancy with fiance Sam Asghari

In her broadside she declared her parents ‘THRIVED AND LIVED ON DRAMA’ and said ‘my family has broken me so much I need a little therapy.’

Her sister Jamie Lynn published a memoir in January and Britney has been slamming her in public for telling ‘crazy lies’ about her in its pages. 

She took aim at Jamie Lynn again in an Instagram post earlier this month, acknowledging ‘we all like a little gossip’ but saying that ‘this drama is of the devil !!!’

Britney raged: ‘My family again I will SAY IT … took it way too far with me I’m still not done … and F*** YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY F***ING HEART !!!’

Her Instagram tirade began: ‘I always used to hate the way my mom thrived on drama … she would literally scream from the rooftops … no lie !!! All night long arguing with a drunk man who couldn’t even talk … Why ??? I was the one who never got any sleep … It was just one night it was every night of my life !!!

‘With that said … traditionally growing up going to therapy WHERE I COME FROM is looked down on !!! I mean MY PARENTS never went to therapy they THRIVED AND LIVED WITH DRAMA every day of their f***ing lives … I was always extremely embarrassed to talk about my personal life and still am to this day…

‘I believe you take it to God … it’s none of anybody’s business … That’s why forcing me so long to talk in therapy has never been my style yet at this point … my family has broken me so much I do need a little therapy …’

Renewing her attack on Jamie Lynn’s book, she wrote: ‘I just find it pretty sad in my hardest times not only my mother but my sister tell their books of their STORY … DRAMA … I don’t think that’s particularly nice …’

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