Trump border visit latest: Donald calls for wall to be painted BLACK so it will be 'too hot for migrants to climb over'

DONALD Trump called for President Joe Biden to resume building his border wall on Wednesday and ordered him to paint it black.

"I'm looking and it has to be painted," he said turning round to face an unfinished stretch of the wall. "And the best color to paint it is black. Because if you paint it black, it's so hot, nobody can even try to climb it."

Trump is set to tour portions of the border in Pharr with Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott and a cohort of Republican lawmakers across the afternoon.

His trip to the region comes just days after Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden's so-called "migration czar", toured the border in El Paso.

During his remarks, Trump lauded his administration's efforts to reducing migration "almost to none", calling the US-Mexico border under his watch the most secure in the country's history.

"Now they're at levels never seen before," Trump said. "Millions of people are flooding in, drugs, and human trafficking."

Calling human traffickers the "lowest form of life", he claimed to have brought them to a "halt" while in office, but said under Biden they're "now at a level that is unimaginable."

Trump also accused his presidential successor of "destroying" the country which "all started with a fake election."

"We produced the safest, best border we've ever had and now in a short time it's over," Trump said.

"Biden is destroying our country and it all started with the fake election. The big one [the 2020 presidential election] was won by a different person."

Trump claimed that had he won the November vote, the border wall would've been completely finished by January.

"It wouldn't be rusting and rotting," he said. "It would be perfecto."

Elsewhere in his address, Trump also took credit for stopping funding to theWuhan Institute of Virology, a lab in China where some believe the Covid-19 virus may have leaked from.

Trump said he stopped the funding "innocently" at first, believing China didn't need the US' money.

"We pay money to China, you saw that with the Wuhan lab, we give money to the Wuhan lab, by the way do you notice who stopped it, I stopped it, when I heard,” Trump said.

“It wasn’t about virus at that time, I stopped it because I said why the hell are we giving money to China, it was very simple.”

Trump didn't take questions as he stepped away from the podium, but CNN's Jim Acosta was booed by the crowd when he called out asking if the former president was going to "apologize for January 6."

The mostly GOP crowd jeered and heckled over Acosta. Trump didn't respond to the question, though issued the crowd a smirk and a thumbs up.

Earlier Wednesday, Trump mocked Harris over her visit to the border last week.

Speaking during a border security briefing, Trump said: "So with that we’re going over to the border right now, but we’re going to the real part of the border where there’s real problems, not a part where you look around and don’t see anybody.

Trump and numerous other senior GOP figures have blasted Harris for her decision to visit El Paso, rather than the so-called epicenter of the migrant crisis in the Rio Grande Valley.

He also ribbed Biden over his mental acuity, claiming to have recently "aced" a cognitive test that he believes the president would've struggled with.

"I aced it," Trump said of exam. "I’d like to see Biden ace it. He’s get the first few, there’s 35 questions and the first two or three are pretty easy."

Those questions, Trump said, involved identifying different animals.

"That’s a lion, that’s a giraffe,” Trump joked. “I think he’s gonna have a hard time with the first few actually.”

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