Corrie star explains why Ryan loses it with Carla after her big mistake

Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) heads back to Coronation Street soon after spending some much needed time away in Ireland with his mum Michelle (Kym Marsh).

The beloved character has been in recovery after Justin (Andrew Still) attacked him with acid a few months ago.

It’s been a long and difficult road for Ryan and his journey isn’t over yet. Over the past few weeks, the focus has been on how Ryan’s friends and members of the public have reacted to his facial injuries.

Soon, however, the spotlight shines on how Ryan is feeling within himself – and suffice to say his confidence is at an all time low.

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As a result of his appearance changing, Ryan is struggling to increase his self esteem. To try and help, he will secretly set up a social media account with the aim of sharing a fitness journey.

As his amount of followers increases and the notifications keep pinging away on his phone, Ryan thinks he’s found himself the perfect outlet, but that quickly changes when Carla (Alison King) gets involved.

‘It’s the anniversary of Johnny’s death so they’re invited to The Rovers to raise a glass and talk about Johnny’, Ryan Prescott explained.

‘Ryan gives his phone to Carla so she can take a picture, because it’s a better phone, something like that. She ends up using his phone to take some pictures of them all together but she sends an extra photo to the cloud which Ryan has taken, in his bedroom with his shirt off. Once Ryan comes back from the toilet people are already discussing it and Ryan realises what’s happened. His natural reaction is to get out of there because of humiliation. All his angst and annoyance is directed at Carla.

‘Once you come to a place where you can’t accept yourself, it’s a very strange road to find your way back to self-care and self-worth and I think that is the road Ryan’s on’, Ryan said.

‘Having too much attention from the people that live around him but that he can’t get away from is a nightmare for him. That’s what sparks his outrage and that’s what sparks his humiliation. In real life, he doesn’t want to be this showy guy. It’s cringeworthy.’

As Ryan settles back into Weatherfield and focuses on all things exercise, he will also develop an addiction to steroids:

‘I think that’s the last thing he’s thinking about’, Ryan said, wondering whether Ryan has thought of the risks involving the drugs.

‘As soon as he gets that feeling of acceptance or glorification, whether that’s through admiration or someone praising his aesthetic for his body, he’s just latching onto it. Similarly to how he latches onto every relationship he’s had.

‘He’s grasping onto something that makes him feel good just to distract himself from reality and the more he distracts himself the more he falls into denial or delusion.’

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