GMB hit with 145 Ofcom complaints following Richard Madeley covid debate

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Good Morning Britain has been slapped with 145 Ofcom complaints about Richard Madeley's heated on air row with SAGE professor Susan Michie.

Presenters Richard Madeley and his co-star Susanna Reid had spoken to Professor Susan Michie on Monday's show about the topic of mask wearing and asked whether or not the UK should ditch masks altogether in the future.

The debate came up after WHO announced masks should continue to be worn to curb the spread of the new Delta variant, amid the July 19 lifting of restrictions.

Although Susan, a SAGE behavioural psychologist, offered her views on the science behind the spread of Covid, Richard decided to bring up Michie's political views instead and revealed the scientist was a member of the Communist Party.

He said: "There's a point I really have to put to you. You'll be aware of this because there's been a lot of commentary about this in the British media about you.

"It's to do with your politics, and you know I'm going to ask you. You've been a member of the Communist Party for about 40 years now, you're still a member."

"We know that communism is basically statist. We look at communist countries around the world and we see that they are tremendously top-down, dominant and control societies that they rule over.

He then went on to suggest that Susan was being influenced by her Communist ideals, and said: "I just wonder, and I'm putting this question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics, if your politics actually informs your sense of control. It's not just the medical argument, but you have a political bent to want the state to tell people what to do."

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