'Sister Wives': Why Robyn Brown Apologized to Meri Brown Over Utah Car Ride

Sister Wives fans are seeing some new dynamics fall into place for the polygamist family. Previously, many viewers felt as if Meri Brown was the one most on the outs with Kody Brown, while Robyn Brown got most of his attention and affection. After recent events including a dramatic car ride to Utah, some are noticing that Meri Brown seemed calm and collected while Christine Brown was argumentative and upset. What’s more, Robyn Brown reached out to Meri Brown and apologized in a somewhat unexpected move. 

‘Sister Wives’ family has drama during car trip

The Sister Wives episode, entitled “Felons No More,” featured the Brown family preparing for a trip to Utah where they’d meet up with fellow polygamists, the Dargers. 

“The Browns visit their polygamist friends to discuss the sudden and exciting possibility that polygamy will be decriminalized in Utah. The car trip to get there is a mess, but once there, the excitement is palpable,” reads the TLC synopsis. 

Things turned dramatic from the start, with Kody Brown discovering a flat tire on the car they were planning to drive. It wasn’t long until things got worse, with Christine Brown pushing back on just about everything the Sister Wives’ cast suggested for the trip. 

Christine was not thrilled that she had to take a car ride with all five of the Sister Wives adults packed into one undersized car. Robyn sat up front with Kody while the other three wives were squeezed into the back. Christine did not look happy. 

What’s more, Christine Brown even suggested the families do a video conference call rather than visiting in person. 

Robyn Brown apologizes to Meri Brown 

Things must have gotten pretty tense during the ride to visit the Darger family, because Robyn Brown went out of her way to apologize to Meri Brown. Specifically, Robyn Brown apologized to Meri Brown for getting her involved in the dramatic Sister Wives outing. 

Apparently, Meri originally had her own plans about how to get to Utah to visit the Dargers, and it didn’t involve the car trip.  

“I felt bad because I asked Meri to drive with us on our trip and if she would have flown she wouldn’t have had to deal with our drama!  Sorry Meri!” wrote Robyn Brown on Twitter.

“Don’t you wish you were a fly on the van wall while we were traveling?  So much gossiping!  Naughty sisterwives!” she added later. 

‘Sister Wives’ fans react to the travel drama 

Sister Wives fans had plenty to say about the trip to visit the Dargers and all of the drama involved. Some felt as if Kody Brown was the real catalyst for difficulty, because he pushed for all of the wives to travel in the same car, but not the right one. 

“You must drive the same car, but not the one that makes the most sense,” joked one Redditor.

“First of all, who has a family that large and ALLEGEDLY wants togetherness but doesn’t even have more than one comfortable option for taking the adults together in one car? And the one car you DO have he doesn’t want to take because it’s not cool enough? This guy…,” pointed out another viewer.

“The logical solution was proposed by all of the wives but they were ignored because Kody had to prove that they were a cohesive, happy family to the other polygamist family they were visiting. Calling the wives ‘bossy’ was so uncalled for, and the fact that they took no offense to it shows how they’re used to his toxic language,” suggested another fan.

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