Brits love to savour memories – from eating an ice cream to their first kiss

THREE quarters of Brits wish they could make their favourite moments last longer, including much-loved TV series, a good book – and the satisfied feeling when you assemble something correctly.

Research of 2,000 adults also found sun worshippers want holidays and the summer in general to be extended, while those dreading Mondays wish the weekend could be lengthier.

A further one in four would love it if romantic events in the bedroom went on for hours.

A quarter also thought their birthday was over too soon while 22 per cent would prefer an ice cream that wasn’t devoured in minutes. 

Other things Brits would like to savour include a first kiss, the ‘newborn’ baby stage, time with the children – and Line of Duty.

Alice Thorpe from newly rebranded Fox’s Glaciers, which commissioned the research as part of its Satisfyingly Long Lasting campaign, said: “The research has shown there’s so many moments in life we’d love to last so much longer.

“Sadly, many of them are out of our control, however, there are something people can do to really savour the moments when they happen.

“It seems as though many people would love to just take that leap to be ‘more present’ in such instances.”

Six in 10 also believed younger people have a harder time living in the moment than the older generation.

And looking back, 55 per cent long for their own youth, wishing it the years could have passed slower.

Surprisingly one in five adults also wish they could have maintained their single status for a little longer before settling down.

While one in eight long for their enjoyment of sweets to last longer according to the research via OnePoll.

It also emerged a quarter of Brits watch many special moments through a phone, rather than soaking up the occasion.

And 75 per cent thought key moments from their past flew by all too quickly now they’re older looking back.

Yet 85 per cent think one of the keys to happiness in life is learning to savour the moment.

Respondents also stated they’re guilty of letting moments pass often, too – estimating four moments flash by every week.

More than a third try to be more thankful in their day-to-day life and 26 per cent get up early so they can make the most of the day ahead.

And the study found age 31 is the point Brits learn to appreciate a special moment rather than let it pass by – though, 57 per cent want to learn how to appreciate a moment more.

Psychologist Dr Becky Spelman, speaking on behalf of Fox’s, added: “Clearly Brits realise that it’s all too easy to let enjoyable everyday moments like enjoying a sweet treat slip through their fingers too quickly.

“Research shows that savouring special moments helps you feel happier and more positive, and the good news is that savouring moments is a skill you can learn.

“Next time you find yourself in a moment you’d like to remember, stop and take a breath. Engage all your senses and notice what you can see, hear, feel, smell and taste.

“Take a mental photograph to look back on. Acknowledge the positive emotions you’re experiencing, express gratitude for them and try to remember what made you feel this way. Telling someone else about the experience can make you feel even better.

“Soon you’ll be making the most of every satisfyingly long-lasting moment which can help you to heel happier in the short and long term.”


1.           A holiday

2.           Summer

3.           The weekend

4.           Your favourite TV series

5.           A good book

6.           Sunsets

7.           A treat such as a slice of cake or fresh pastry

8.           A bank holiday

9.           Days off with no plans

10.         A lie-in on a Sunday morning

11.         Time with children

12.         Sex

13.         A family dinner

14.         Your birthday

15.         Sunrises

16.         Your children’s childhood

17.         Ice creams

18.         Weekday evenings

19.         Your favourite film

20.         A first kiss

21.         Time with grandchildren

22.         Your wedding day

23.         The feeling you get from having the first beer on a Friday after a long work week

24.         The ‘newborn’ baby stage

25.         The feeling of satisfaction when you assemble something correctly

26.         The feeling of your team scoring a last-minute winner

27.         Your lunchbreak

28.         Line of Duty

29.         Your favourite album

30.         A sweet


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