Gov. Cuomo not changing a thing despite mounting sex, nursing home scandals

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Regrets, he has none — even if it seems like he should maybe have one or two.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday brushed off the swarm of scandals threatening his political career and his administration, saying he hasn’t changed a thing in the way he — or his staff — conduct themselves behind the scenes.

During a news conference in his Manhattan office, Cuomo dismissed the bipartisan legion of critics who have demanded his resignation over a slew of sexual harassment allegations, his mishandling of nursing homes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as allegations of bullying by his staff and that he used his office to get COVID testing and vaccination perks for family members.

“Yeah. Well, people have criticisms, yeah. And [I] take every criticism seriously and evaluate every criticism,” he claimed in response to a question from The Post on whether he has changed anything about the way he or his staff conduct business in light of all the allegations.

He then deflected: “Now, some criticisms are politically motivated. Some are philosophically motivated — I’m a progressive Democrat, some conservative Republicans find that objectionable.”

Cuomo also downplayed the pending investigations of him by federal authorities and the state attorney general’s office, and the impeachment probe being conducted by the state Assembly’s Judiciary Committee.

“There is also a number of reviews that are going on to analyze the specifics, and let’s see what they say,” he said.

“And if there is a problem — bona fide problem — then address it.”

Cuomo’s business-as-usual attitude contrasted sharply with the contrite tone he took in early March, when he choked up while addressing what later turned into an avalanche of sexual harassment allegations against him.

“I understand sensitivities have changed, behaviors have changed, and I’m going to learn from it,” he pledged at the time.

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