Iran's supreme leader uses storming of the Capitol to ridicule the US

Iran’s supreme leader uses storming of the Capitol to ridicule the US and says it’s ‘God’s revenge’ for America sowing instability in Middle East

  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei slammed the US and said their ‘American values’ are being ‘ridiculed even by their friends’ following riots
  • Hundreds of Trump supporters ransacked US Capitol building in violent scenes
  • Khamenei claimed Iran creates stability in Middle East while US sows instability

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today used the storming of the U.S. Capitol Building by Donald Trump supporters to ridicule the country and their ‘American values’. 

Khamenei said the recent post-election chaos is ‘God’s revenge’ for the U.S. sowing instability in the Middle East. 

His comments come after hundreds of Trump’s mob ransacked the seat of American democracy in a 15-hour saga that left four dead in a bid to demand Joe Biden’s election to be overturned.  

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today used the storming of the U.S. Capitol Building by Donald Trump supporters to ridicule the country and their ‘American values’

His comments come after hundreds of Trump’s mob ransacked the seat of American democracy in a 15-hour saga that left four dead in a bid to demand Joe Biden’s election to be overturned

Khamenei slammed the U.S. in a series of scathing tweets and said their ‘American values’ are being ‘ridiculed even by their friends’ following the riots

Khamenei slammed the U.S. in a series of scathing tweets and said their ‘American values’ are being ‘ridiculed even by their friends’ following the riots. 

He also claimed the country wanted to start a civil war in Iran in 2009, but the tables have now turned and ‘God has afflicted them’ with their own instability. 

The Supreme Leader tweeted: ‘Have you seen the situation in the U.S.? This is their democracy and this is their election fiasco. 

‘Today, the U.S. & ‘American values’ are ridiculed even by their friends.’  

The Supreme Leader tweeted: ‘Have you seen the situation in the U.S.? This is their democracy and this is their election fiasco’. Pictured: Pro-trump protesters pictured with police after they stormed the Capitol

A pro-Trump protester shouts in celebration as hundreds storm the US Capitol building

He added: ‘The US openly says its interests require instability in this region [the Middle East]. 

‘The U.S. wanted to start a civil war in Iran in 2009, and now God has afflicted them with the same predicament in 2021. 

‘The recent chaos reached a point where Congress members had to escape through secret tunnels.’  

A protester walks through Congress carrying Nancy Pelosi’s lectern after storming the Capitol with hundreds of others calling for Joe Biden’s election to be overturned

Rep. Andy Kim, D-N.J., helps ATF police officers (special highly trained officers) clean up debris and personal belongings strewn across the floor of the Rotunda in the early morning hours of Thursday after protesters stormed the Capitol in Washington, DC, on Wednesday

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suite of offices were also targeted by the rioters who smashed a mirror, cracked the Democrat’s nameplate and left a menacing message scrawled on a file: ‘WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN’ 

U.S. Congressmen were seen down on their knees yesterday picking up debris alongside police officers as dawn broke on the carnage that left four dead in Washington DC and terrified lawmakers who hid in their rooms and under seats in the chamber. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suite of offices were targeted by the rioters who smashed a mirror, cracked the Democrat’s nameplate and left a menacing message scrawled on a file: ‘WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN.’

A laughing Trump protester was even pictured leaning back in Pelosi’s chair with his feet up on her desk as hundreds of Representatives and Senators feared for their lives. Another was pictured carrying Pelosi’s lectern after storming the Capitol.

Trump finally accepted his fate yesterday after Pence ended his desperate campaign to overturn the election

Trump finally accepted his fate yesterday after Pence ended his desperate campaign to overturn the election and certified Biden’s win in the early hours of the morning as lawmakers thrashed out the process to verify the result of the Electoral College which had infuriated the MAGA mob. 

Iran’s Supreme Leader continued his blistering remarks and argued that Iran’s involvement in the Middle East creates stability, whereas the US only causes instability. 

Khamenei said: ‘Contrary to the US, Iran’s involvement in the region creates stability and is aimed at preventing instability.

‘This was proven in the fight against ISIS and the like. Iran’s involvement in the region is definite and will continue.’    

Iran’s Supreme Leader continued his blistering remarks and argued that Iran’s involvement in the Middle East creates stability, whereas the US only causes instability

In a live televised address to the nation, the Iranian Supreme Leader today demanded the US lift its ‘brutal sanctions’ on the country 

In a live televised address to the nation, the Iranian Supreme Leader today demanded the US lift its ‘brutal sanctions’ on the country. 

He also said Tehran was in no rush for the U.S. to rejoin a 2015 nuclear deal. 

Khamenei said: ‘We are not insisting nor in a hurry for the deal. But what is logical is our demand [that] is the lifting of the sanctions. These brutal sanctions must be lifted immediately.’  

Tensions have grown between Tehran and Washington since 2018, when U.S. President Donald Trump exited the deal between Iran and six world powers – which sought to limit Tehran’s nuclear programme and prevent it developing atomic weapons – and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy.

In retaliation, Tehran started gradually violating the accord.

Potentially complicating efforts by U.S. President-elect Joe Biden to rejoin the deal, Iran said on Monday it had resumed 20% uranium enrichment at its Fordow underground nuclear facility.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog confirmed that Iran had started the process of enriching uranium to 20% purity.

Tehran says it can quickly reverse its breaches if U.S. sanctions are removed. Biden, who takes office on Jan. 20, has said the United States will rejoin the deal if Iran resumes strict compliance with the pact.

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