Disney+ dropped all five seasons of The Muppet Show on Friday, the Jim Henson variety series that ran from 1976 to 1981. Nearly two dozen episodes earned a warning disclaimer that will appear for 12 minutes before the content plays due to "negative depictions."
"This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures," the advisory reads. "These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together."
EW has reached out to Disney+ for comment.
The alert appears as part of The Walt Disney Company's ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion via its Stories Matter initiative. Their official website says the company consulted outside experts who served as advisors to review its content "to ensure it accurately represents [their] global audience."
"As we embrace each other's stories, we embrace possibility," the site reads. "And that's why we're committed to doing the best we can to represent communities authentically. So people not only see the best in themselves, but the world can see it too."
It was also recently revealed that multiple episodes are missing entirely or segments have been edited due to issues with music rights. However, as matters are resolved, they could be added to the library in the future.
One episode that will probably remain buried features series writer Chris Langham, who filled in for Richard Pryor following a last-minute cancelation by the comedian. Although the streamer did not confirm the reason that particular episode is missing, Langham was found guilty of possessing child pornography in 2007.
This story originally appeared on ew.com
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